Great events teach, inspire and connect us.

We’ll help you find the best ones for you.

Eventible is the world’s first B2B event reviews platform. Business professionals from around the world trust us to help them discover the events that keep them & their companies growing.

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Lifelong Learner
Constant Networker

As a speaker as well as an attendee, the Event Destination, Networking and Learning opportunities are what I give importance to when choosing a business event.

Dave Aronson

Founder, Codosaurus, LLC

I look forward to meeting new people and learning new information at any business event I attend. I would surely trust the input or reviews by my peers to make a go or no go decision for an event.

Gregory Miller

Senior Director Product Marketing, Medable, Inc

I always expect to learn something new and generate new ideas at business events. I would have saved a lot of time by not attending some events if someone had just given me information about what some of these events actually were.

Eric Smith

Director of Content Marketing, SecurityMetrics


You rely on reviews to make informed choices. Why should business event decisions be any different?

Before investing your precious time and money in an event, it’s simply smart business to demand authentic information about what it’s really like! But finding detailed, useful event reviews used to be nearly impossible. We created Eventible to fill this gap.

On the Eventible platform, business professionals now have access to 10,000+ in-depth event reviews from 3,000 events across 17 industries.

Over 60,000 monthly visitors find events that fit their goals within minutes.

Who We Serve

Event Attendees, Speakers & Sponsors

If you’ve attended an event or are looking for a useful event to attend, speak at or sponsor – then you are at the heart of everything we do.

This platform was built from the ground up to do one thing only – to help you find the best events, using peer insights and to help you move the needle on your personal and professional growth.

Discover the events most suited for your needs right away

Event Organizers & Marketers

We track the world’s largest pool of event attendees and professionals looking to attend their next event – this makes us uniquely qualified to help your events, webinars & content assets find their intended audiences at a more consistent pace than any other channel.

Work with us today and see the difference real intent data makes to your portfolio of upcoming events.

Learn more about our solutions for event marketers & demand marketing teams
+ Click here to learn about our R.A.I.N framework to putting social proof to work for your brand

Know before you go

Different people attend events for different reasons - to meet new people, to learn new things, to generate new ideas.

We help you find the ones that are top rated for what you care about most, so you go home happy.

Reviews are in a way an ‘online word of mouth’.

Sir Martin Sorrel

Executive Chairman, S4 Capital

Helping build strong event brands

The mission of Eventible is to bring transparency to the events industry, pairing potential event attendees with the events that fit their needs best.

We’re proud that 400+ event organizers lean on us to find people who want what they offer, gain insights, and grow their revenue.

Our Values

Excellence in user experience

  • Our ranking system weights more informative reviews more heavily
  • Robust search and sort options bring the events that are best for your specific goals to the top
  • Different review styles accommodate people with preferences for speech or text

Integrity in everything we do

  • We require personal integrity of all our employees
  • We show respect for each other’s differences and diversity of opinions
  • We ask all those who contribute reviews to show integrity and respect as well

Authenticity in what we post

  • We work hard to ensure the reviews you read are unbiased and from actual event attendees
  • All reviewer identities are authenticated via LinkedIn
  • Reviews are manually checked before posting


  • Our ranking system is fair to event organizers
  • Users are treated fairly
  • We respect user privacy